
  1. 40 Basic Linux Commands
    This link mainly discuss about Linux basic commands and how to use it. This is an interesting link because we might not have known some of these basic commands in Linux and we can learn from it.
  2. Markdown Basic Syntax
    A link about markdown basic syntax. I think this link is beginner friendly.
  3. Creating File in Linux
    It contains some tutorials to create a file in Linux. This link is very helpful if you just started using Linux.
  4. C Programming Language Tutorials
    This link can help us to learn C Programming Language step by step. Some features in Programiz (a platform to learn programming) are tutorials, examples, online compiler, etc.
  5. Learn C-Pointer - PetaniKode
    A link to learn pointer in C Programming Language. It contains explanations and tutorials about pointer in C Programming Language.
  6. Write, Compile, and Run C Program in Debian 10
    This link helps me to do some things about my C programs in Debian. It contains some examples how to write, compile, and run C programs in Debian.
  7. Big Endian, Little Endian
    A link about big endian and little endian. This link also talks about some differences between those.
  8. SCP Commands
    This link helps me to learn about scp commands in Linux. It contains some explanations and examples about scp commands.
  9. Linux From Scratch Official Guide ver 11.0
    This link helps me to do W08 and W09 OS assignments. It contains explanations and commands to do LFS.
  10. LFS YouTube playlist
    A YouTube playlist about LFS. Maybe it can helps us to do LFS.
  11. OS Slides
    A link about Operating System slides. I learned from these slides to prepare OS Weekly Quiz.